Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tracey Herold is such a fucktard that in trying to prove that SoCal is not Chana

Tracey actually proves that SoCal IS Chana.

On her facebook page, she posts a photo album named "Chana isn't Socal, sigh..." and she includes this screenshot:


For comparison:

Thanks, Tracey, for providing another piece to the puzzle.  In your own fucklepuff way,  you tried to help Tamara, but you only assed it up again.  Congrats, whiz kid. You are clearly a genius.


  1. Big thanks to the Anon commenter on the earlier blog who pointed this out.

  2. LMAOROFL! Thanks again, anonymous commenter and scamgirladmin!

  3. Excellent. The evidence just keeps piling up.

  4. Gawd could she be more obvious? Why didn't anyone catch this earlier?

  5. Myself I was always focused on other things to give away Chana's identity. I always googled Chana Portland, Chana Kyron, and likewise. It never even occurred to me to compare writing styles of the people, but I believe that this mystery is solved or as the mythbusters say, BUSTED. Now that I see the comparisons though it's so ovious that socal was Chana too.
