Thursday, April 28, 2011

Somewhere in Washington, a nice lady named Chana was accused by Tracey Herold of being the Chana in the FB mess.

Another of Tracey Herold's lies.  After I revealed that Chana is SoCal is Tamara Merrill, Tracey went on a mission to convince people that I was wrong, that Chana was a lady living in Washington with a Guinea Pig named Yum Yum. In my opinion, Tracey victimized a very nice lady who has been homeless, who has had a brain injury, and who is benevolent enough to care for small animals.  Certainly doesn't sound like the Chana of FB and Blogspot fame, does it?

Someone contacted the Chana from Washington and informed her that she was being pulled into this mess by Tracey Herold.  The Washington Chana replied as such:

And then she posted this today:

 The Judy Day alt appeared, and commented in the FB thread discussing this:

Just like Tracey, Judy threatens to involve law enforcement. (At least she's no longer claiming to be a federal investigator.) Just like Tracey, she avoids the topic at hand.

For Tracey Herold to involve an innocent woman recuperating from a brain injury, generous enough to give her time to small animals with their own health issues - well, that's pretty deplorable.

How low will you sink, Tracey Herold?  Who will you pull into your tempest next? Why are you so invested in protecting Chana/SoCal/Tamara Merrill? What does Tamara have on YOU?

1 comment:

  1. Tracey is a narcissist and this prevents her from doing anything that might lower her self esteem. She will never admit her evil deeds/lies. Prepare for more disgusting activities. If she PMs you with more bullshit, tell her bluntly where to stick it. Cut her off from the attention which she craves.
