Friday, May 13, 2011

Heh. Idiots.

Recent post by Tom Jones at SoCal/Tamara's "Still Standing" psychofant hive:

I don't know if socal will post for a while or not.
She is busy with attorney stuff, they are still in the beginning stages of it all.
These things can take a while.
I shaved some time and money off her situation by giving her the numbers that Wikt and H4K called me from.
If you think I'm bull dogging for socal, fine.
I'm just telling you all what I know and feel.
Jinx, I'm sending you my number tonight.
I can answer most of your questions in person easier.
They didn't find socal directly, but they did find some relatives.
They have been tormenting her family, making calls to the IRS and making false claims to MSCO about her and me.
The trashey site is just that, trashey.
They are trying to get even with anyone who ever posted against the twins.
It seems to work with the people who are in this for the drama the best.
The memory challenged and the easily buffalloed will follow them and believe all they say.
Im not bull dogging for socal, just telling what I know.
I have never spoken a word to Chana, just texts.
If socal is Chana and she is Tamara, if she does have kids and has lied to me, she is real good at not slipping up with contradicting information or details.
Quite frankly, if she is full of crap, and all that your all concerned about is true.
So what! Turn the page and continue on about Kyron.
It won't make a bit of difference to me who is who, nothing she has ever said has had a bearing on the case.
It is all just a distraction and something more for the creepy supportertards to use to keep attention somewhere else.
Socal is not important to the Kyron horman/ Terri/ Dede situation at all.
Nor am I, or any of you.
 And another:

A rhetorical question for all readers.
If you were socal, and you were guilty of anything the trashey site has accused you of being would you hide?
If you were guilty of pissing off people with lies, easily proved lies, and bringing down trouble on some of your family and their businesses and other loved ones, would you do anything?
She has pulled herself out of the crap going on here in cyber-space and has gone proactive.
She has gone to the expence of a lawyer and a detective and she is going straight for the throat.
The forum is not big on her mind right now, none of your questions matter right now, they will be answered later if you care to wait it out.
She has found herself dealing with reality.
My money is on socal and that she has what it takes to shut them down.
I think she is telling me the truth.
Who wants to bet?
I don't think she would be so dumb as to waste that kind of money on a lawyer if she was lying. She is going to the source with those brassknuckles on.
And here's the reality about how conversations with attorneys go in libel cases:

Tamara to her lawyer: "Mr. Lawyer, I want to make someone stop saying that my fake internet profile is someone else and not me (even though I don't want anyone to know the true identity of my fake profile.). I am willing to pay $250+ dollars an hour for you to make them stop this, but don't use my real name on any court documents. Yeah, that's right. Just record my name as SoCaldreamer."

Lawyer:  "Certainly Ms. Dreamer. We will need a $30,000 retainer to get started. You do understand that before I attach my name to this case, though, I'll have to investigate your claims, as I don't want my prestigious firm to be attached to a frivolous lawsuit based on nothing but your butthurtedness at being outed on the internet. So give me the names of the people who you feel libeled you, as well as your internet history so that I can verify your claims. As for the retainer...will that be check or cash?"


  1. What really went on in those secret rooms?

  2. Just more lies from socal to her dwindling minions. Actually pretty funny. You have to have damages to sue. What are her damages? After all, she claims she is NOT Tamara Merrill. So, if she is still an anonymous rocker surfer, how can there be damages? Why does she keep thinking we are imbeciles?

  3. OMG! Hysterical! Considering she has to come of with her Defense Fund now! LMAOROTFL

  4. What does it feel like to be between a rock and a hard place? I don't know, but I bet we can ask SoCal what it feels like?

  5. They deleted me from the board. Ha! I don't even post. They must think I am the "mole", as they say.

  6. i see separation anxiety already startin to manifest in poor witto tommys bwain.
    but first and foremost i see witto babble boy already trying to create an out for himself
    as far as saying "if" she is lying.
    sorry babble boy, you in it up the the earlobes
    YOU KNOW SHES LYIN and you lyin to boy.
    friends to the end now,
    all the way downtown clown.
    do not pass go, do not collect 200 dolla!! HOLLA!!

  7. You were scammed, Tom, just like the rest of us. We admitted that we were gullible and believed the bs for months. It's ok for you to admit that you were also scammed.

  8. What does any of this have to do with Kyron?

  9. The Sixty-four-thousand dollar question, heh? What does any of this have to do with Kyron? IMO it has a LOT to do with Kyron, because he and this case has been USED as bait to HOOK non-suspecting people who care about him and his fate into a sick game perpetrated by a small clan of GAMERS! Therefore, exposing liars and gamers who have used Kyron as bait will ultimately allow caring, supportive people to regain focus on the missing child, instead of on those who have sullied the case and muddied the waters. The gamers should be ashamed of themselves. Maybe they are and that's why they go underground now? Or maybe they are just afraid that this particular game-playing has legal repercussions? Either way, let's hope that they are held accountable.

  10. This has to do with a person making fake claims in a missing child case. And this blog has to do with other scammers.

    This blog doesn't have anything to do with baseball either, as far as I can tell. There are all kinds of other topics in which this blog is not involved.

    So take your fake guilt thing and go somewhere else.

  11. So she claims she is NOT tamara? Socal needs to look up the legal definition of "standing".

  12. To Thomas J-J-Jones...

  13. Scamgirls better watch out! I heard that Socal has retained Perry Mason.

  14. Aww, what's with your little sad "outtie" pooch face now there, SoCal?? LMAO!!!

    SoCalDreamer August 05, 2010 at 6:44PM

    I have never availed myself to anything like this before...I havent even heard of them LMAO they seem like some REAL brainsurgeons...I am CERTAIN that I can make a couple of calls and stir them up, but not worth getting outed just going to LMAO unless and until they somehow figure out who I really to see them TRY...nope, NOT happening so, just gonna laugh

  15. Jinx, if you can read this----they deleted my account, so cannot view.

  16. I know what this is about.
    Tom Jones knows too.
    He knows SoCal is a fraud but he has a plan.
    He is staging an elaborate sting.
    He sees the lies
    but acts as if he believes
    he is gaining her confidence
    it is an old trick.
    As old as time.
    He is waiting for the moment that he catches her
    in something that cannot be explained
    Then he will ju-jitsu
    a 180
    totally turn around and tell all the Socaltards
    he knew the whole time
    he was just conducting a sting.
    An undercover sting.
    Because he is a warrior
    for the truth
    And the truth must be in your soul to be the true truth
    that's just a fact.
    That's the truth.

  17. ^^^ That is hilarious! That's a Fact! That is exactly what Jonesr will do!

  18. Oh gee...Are they deleting anyone who dares ask a question???

  19. Par for the course. When all else fails to convince your peeps that socal is legit, turn it around and swear you knew it all the time but were just conducting a STING! Hmmmm...seems he did that with his cousin, too? Rawr......

  20. Title help to $ave you time & money in that wished upon "book deal cut" you personally claimed to be hoping for in this case, Tom?? How about: 'Tom Defrag's... Yet Again!'

    Still curious tho, was that "cut" you're hoping for in a book deal YOUR idea, Tom? Or was that suggested or promised you by SoCal/Chana?

  21. Yes, I was deleted for asking one question respectfully.

  22. What did you ask?

  23. I can't even remember anymore, it was just a generic question regarding why were they getting so defensive when anyone questions the purported lies.

  24. Oh yes NEVER openly share your own thought or idea that didn't stick like glue to the BS... otherwise at best, you were totally ignored but usually canned & banned! Look at all that was and STILL is being pulled in order to "try" to prevent ANYONE from ever speaking out with the REAL truth and phony, sick fraudulent crap that SoCal has been posting and tampering with for MONTHS... not to mention the stuppies she still has convinced to "help" her with her horrendous sickness! This is an ongoing criminal investigation of a missing CHILD you foolish FREAKS... NOT the mentally insane's carmel apples that she gets her goofy jollie-rocks off with! Just got to say for the last time... good future needed luck and entering at your own RISK in hanging with the true color of THEM apples for yourselves, ehm... there!

  25. SoCal is a CREEP folks! End of.

  26. Blue, Hope, Sooner go on full attack mode if anyway dares say anything. Makes me wonder if any of them are actually Tamara Merrill herself. Blue, Hope, Sooner etc were also big on Tamara/Chana's exposing others as scammers and fakes. High 5's all around and loving to stir the pot. But they don't like it when "SoCal" is exposed. I think Tom may be Tamara's creation as well. Yes there are those who claim to have talked to Tom but you have no way to prove it was Tom. Tamara could be using caller i.d. spoofing and having a male at her residence pose as Tom.

  27. Now that is funny. They are all Tamara, having an elaborate conversation with herself. That's good.

  28. With Socal's psychological liar tendencies, is it really that far off that she has created all of them? Probably not true-but, the fact that we are even wondering should tell you something about the liar called "Socal".

  29. Even if it is one or seperate people... they're fakes and liars, just the same. Sad.

  30. Has Tamara come back to her board to speak to her people yet? Remember what she always said about TMH not speaking???? GUILTY!!!

  31. I don't know tho, the timing of SoCal's disappearance hit about the time I predicted that it just might.. the system is a little slow but can keep the criminally conduct charged quit busy once served. Just saying. :)

  32. Did someone file charges against her?

  33. Not sure, but I bet the proper channels and required doors had been established and opened towards that deserved direction for SoCal -long before there was ever a hint, indeed. ;)

  34. P.S. Soonergirl WISE for you not to try and disgard any 'piece' of those saved .PDF files you've been saving throughout; especially those which you have been such an honorable, dedicated & "helpful" citizen... to SoCal. Of course, just sayin' ya know?! Geez, does someone need to donate a half rack of soap for those "dirty hands" there? Oops! A little slippie there! Signed, Just me. Loves ya too Soonergirl!

  35. Hey Tom, I'm in! Plunk! Plunk! Kitty up in the coffer with a DOUBLE down, dude!!

  36. Hey Blue ya holding? 'Bet ya are!!

  37. Aw Hope.. youz was out a long time ago but everybody let you 'pretend' you were playing! lolol

  38. 008, BUSTED -Youre broke my friend!

  39. Uh...'Winning'! :)

  40. Uhh yea okay "real good" there, Tom! ahahahha Have a nice day! ;)

  41. Tom you FIRST have to be able to spell "experience"! Ya know how that goes too, I'm sure, right??! Keh. Loser.

  42. I think it's time now for
    Arnold to get a break. The tabloids must hear about the Rockstar issues.

    I wonder how the subpoena's are coming along?

    What a bombshell when the public finds out how a Rockstar has been harassed on the internet.

  43. ^^^Do you think it might be Elvis?? he-he-heee-

  44. the "Socal" forum has next to nobody on it now. The thread has only moved maybe 5 pages in 3 weeks when it used to do that easily in one day.

  45. And did the "Rockstar" ever return? She is a joke!


  47. Well Tom we are still waiting for Soliar to go for the throat. What, she disappeared just like you said a guilty person would? I guess the expensive lawyer and all that big talking stuff, was just another old load of crap.

  48. well, well, well. There's my good friend TJ Merrill - she did her damndest to steal a forum I had created for discussion of Madeleine McCann that had over 3000 users.

    I even talked to this bitch on the phone once and she lied, lied, lied to me - telling me her brother was in the military and that their unit was RIGHT THIS MINUTE RESCUING MADELEINE!

    Wow, TJ, you sure have blown up like a huge whale! Are we sure you're not hiding a few missing kids under that hoodie?

    Nice to see you again - your friend, Jill

  49. Is it possible that "Grace Wilson" is AKA Tamara Merrill? She just recently took over a blog at

    This seems to be a tactic of Tamara, taking over peoples blogs in missing children cases. Grace claims to be from Ft Collins Colorado, but might be using a proxy link. Some of Graces wording is the exact same as Tamaras. Grace also claims to be into astrology.

    Of course, Tamara might also be JSTL at too. It is crazy how many nutjobs are out there.

  50. I was gonna also say check out juststoptheliesblogspot
    This woman Chandra put herself right in the middle of missing baby Ayla from Maine
    With everyone's experience here, you guys might be able to help

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