Friday, May 13, 2011

Heh. Idiots.

Recent post by Tom Jones at SoCal/Tamara's "Still Standing" psychofant hive:

I don't know if socal will post for a while or not.
She is busy with attorney stuff, they are still in the beginning stages of it all.
These things can take a while.
I shaved some time and money off her situation by giving her the numbers that Wikt and H4K called me from.
If you think I'm bull dogging for socal, fine.
I'm just telling you all what I know and feel.
Jinx, I'm sending you my number tonight.
I can answer most of your questions in person easier.
They didn't find socal directly, but they did find some relatives.
They have been tormenting her family, making calls to the IRS and making false claims to MSCO about her and me.
The trashey site is just that, trashey.
They are trying to get even with anyone who ever posted against the twins.
It seems to work with the people who are in this for the drama the best.
The memory challenged and the easily buffalloed will follow them and believe all they say.
Im not bull dogging for socal, just telling what I know.
I have never spoken a word to Chana, just texts.
If socal is Chana and she is Tamara, if she does have kids and has lied to me, she is real good at not slipping up with contradicting information or details.
Quite frankly, if she is full of crap, and all that your all concerned about is true.
So what! Turn the page and continue on about Kyron.
It won't make a bit of difference to me who is who, nothing she has ever said has had a bearing on the case.
It is all just a distraction and something more for the creepy supportertards to use to keep attention somewhere else.
Socal is not important to the Kyron horman/ Terri/ Dede situation at all.
Nor am I, or any of you.
 And another:

A rhetorical question for all readers.
If you were socal, and you were guilty of anything the trashey site has accused you of being would you hide?
If you were guilty of pissing off people with lies, easily proved lies, and bringing down trouble on some of your family and their businesses and other loved ones, would you do anything?
She has pulled herself out of the crap going on here in cyber-space and has gone proactive.
She has gone to the expence of a lawyer and a detective and she is going straight for the throat.
The forum is not big on her mind right now, none of your questions matter right now, they will be answered later if you care to wait it out.
She has found herself dealing with reality.
My money is on socal and that she has what it takes to shut them down.
I think she is telling me the truth.
Who wants to bet?
I don't think she would be so dumb as to waste that kind of money on a lawyer if she was lying. She is going to the source with those brassknuckles on.
And here's the reality about how conversations with attorneys go in libel cases:

Tamara to her lawyer: "Mr. Lawyer, I want to make someone stop saying that my fake internet profile is someone else and not me (even though I don't want anyone to know the true identity of my fake profile.). I am willing to pay $250+ dollars an hour for you to make them stop this, but don't use my real name on any court documents. Yeah, that's right. Just record my name as SoCaldreamer."

Lawyer:  "Certainly Ms. Dreamer. We will need a $30,000 retainer to get started. You do understand that before I attach my name to this case, though, I'll have to investigate your claims, as I don't want my prestigious firm to be attached to a frivolous lawsuit based on nothing but your butthurtedness at being outed on the internet. So give me the names of the people who you feel libeled you, as well as your internet history so that I can verify your claims. As for the retainer...will that be check or cash?"

Tom Jones' imagination vs. reality

Tom Jones' description of SoCal, posted Thursday:

Socal is twenty five years old.
Remember being that young?
She is almost a kid still.
She is a slim blonde, runs and exercises, surfs and has a proacitve personality.
She does not have kids and her boobs are too big.
Take my word for it as a guy, she is a chick.
I mean no disrespect.
Word to socals hubby.

<----So, according to Tom Jones' imagination, this is SoCal.

And then there's reality - a photo publicly posted by Tamara Merrill herself, which she never thought anyone would be able to attach to the email, which she also publicly posted. ---->

And, below, another of what appears to be Tamara Merrill (judging by the rubenesque/portly, similar body type to other photos), also posted publicly by Tamara, with the myopic intention that no one would be able to attach her publicly posted email the the public photobucket where she posted it.

And more recently on the left, in what appears to be Tamara's favorite hoodie, as she wears it all the time in every more recent photo (also from her recently public photobucket, attached to her socalbreeze email):

So yeah, you be the judge. Hmmm.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

If SoCal is not Tamara Merrill, as her PSYCHOfant Tom Jones says....

...then I'd love for Tom Jones to explain why SoCal posted a photo of Tamara's daughter Brittany Merrill (the infamous green flipflop photo) as a photo of herself? Explain how she used two email addresses which trace to Tamara Merrill: and

She solicited people to email her at those addresses, and received email at those could she accomplish this feat if she is not Tamara Merrill, who owns both email addresses?

And, as far as a lawsuit goes (hahaha): Explain how she intends to answer the respondents' attorneys' questions once depositions begin, considering the very public claims she made about being an insider in the case, about being a rock star, among other ludicrous stuff she posted.

Oh, and then there's her blog, on which she bullied people in very disgusting ways.

And I've not even mentioned her forum, with the "hidden back room" that will be open to discovery, once this suit gets rolling.

Tom, you must thing that the world is populated by the same ratio of  idiots with which you choose to surround yourself  in SoCal's fold.  Really, most people are much more objective than your limited comprehension allows you to see.

Looking forward to reading your answers.  Other than that, I'm completely bored with these people, and I think just about everyone else is, too. But I'll probably keep adding stuff from SoCal's history in the Kyron case, just so it keeps appearing on page one of this blog, to make it easier for Tamara's attorney to see what kind of client he's taking on.  (hhhhahahaha)

Friday, May 6, 2011

One member of Seal Team Six had four legs.

I just read a really great article about the canine member of Seal Team Six, which raided Osama Bin Laden's compound earlier this week.

Did you know that military dogs of this caliber are often equipped with titanium fangs to tear through protective body armor? I didn't.

No one will give a shred of info about the dog that helped in the mission deep inside Pakistan, but it's assumed that the dog was most likely a Belgian Malinois or a German Shepherd.


Osama Bin Laden's final Facebook status


Sunday, May 1, 2011

So you go to your attorney....

And you say: "I want to sue mean people on the internet."

Attorney responds: "Where are people being mean to you on the internet?"

Says you: "On the Scam Girl Blog and Facebook."

Attorney looks at the blog and facebook for five or ten minutes, says: "Is any of this true? You have to tell me if it's true or not, because I don't want to look like a doof in depositions, and my filing suit opens you to countersuit. How did this situation begin?"

Says you: "It doesn't matter if it's true, or what I did wrong. People are mean to me on the internet."

You leave the office, and attorney promptly initiates a conference call with several of his friends in your town, and they guffaw about the idiot who just left his office, who wants to sue mean people on the internet.

Unfazed, you go to the police department.

Says you: "I want to press charges against people stalking me on the internet."

Investigator says: "Did you initiate contact, or did they?"

Says you: "Oh, there's been no contact. They haven't contacted me. But they were mean to me."

Says investigator: "You can't press internet stalking charges against someone if they've made no contact with you or your family members. So tell me what happened?"

Uh oh.  This one's a dilemma. Do you tell the investigator what happened, from the beginning, or do you lie, hoping that the truth won't come out?  You decide for once to tell the truth - at least pieces of it.

Says investigator, after reading your statement: "So you're saying you pretended to be a rock star, surfer, and judge on the net, and people found out and blogged that you're none of these? Sorry, but that's not stalking."

Says you: "But I have their IPs, from when they visited my forum that I invited them to join!"

Investigator: "You invited them? Are you serious?"

Says you: "Yeah, and I give updates on my twitter of where my new forums are, when my old ones are shut down for TOS violations."

Investigator: "Um, lady, maybe I can arrange for some help for you with the local mental health center."

Dejected, you leave the PD.  After you're out of earshot, the investigator calls in several of his fellow officers, and says, "You're never going to believe what she just wanted...."

Scam Girl's 10 Commandments of the World Wide Web:

1) Thou shalt trust no one on the internet.

2) Thou shalt not post thy name, email address, thy children's photos, nor any personally identifying information on the internet.

3) Thou shalt not ogle naked people, nor shalt thou post pics of thy naked body, nor thy ex's naked body, nor any naked body.

4) Thou shalt not troll on the sabbath without triple proxy.

5) Thou shalt remember the off button and use it frequently, for those that thou begat will appreciate a homecooked meal on occasion.

6) Thou shalt admit defeat when decisively defeated, for butthurtness is an abomination.

7) Thou shall not IM thy neighbor's spouse, for holy matrimony does not cease when the coveting is pixelated.

8) Thou shalt not bear false witness about thy career, whether imaginary rock star, surfer, judge, or law enforcement officer.

9) Thou shalt not invoke 4chan, Anonymous, /b/tards, nor any other internet warror society, lest thy warrior society consider thy actions newfaggotry.

10) Thou shalt not sayeth nuff said, methinks, folks, or just saying. For condescension is an abomination in the eyes of the web.

Saturday Hodgepodge of Hilarity

Junk from Saturday, April 30, which requires no explanation. Except to say that you can't claim stalking if you're the one who fired the opening volley (Chana, Marybeth, SoCal, Tracey), or if you're the retard that continues to post on the "stalker" page (Judy), all the while screaming "quit stalking me!" .

Personally, I'm proud that I've expanded Judy's narrow vocabulary with the word "butthurt," though she needs to learn to use it properly. 

So here's the Saturday hodgepodge:





Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's like talking to a simpleminded three year old.

You can tell a three year old that fire is bad, so don't touch.  And the three year old will remove his hand from the flame.

Judy Day, though - even though she should know that it's best for her to shut up and go away, she's still typing in an internet frenzy.  "LMFAO!!!"  "My lawyer takes screenshots!!!" "$$$$ speaks baby."

A simpleton fucktard whose cover is blown and she's too stupid to do what's best for her and her family.  Something akin to a blathering tasmanian devil which whirls around the internet with its incessant grunting and spazzing, forgetting today what it belched out yesterday.

Judy claims now to have no knowledge of who Mardon Day is.  Why she wouldn't remember the name of the man who fathered her children is not my worry.  That's something I really don't want to ponder.

Here's a refresher, Judy.  He's the man that you called a deadbeat on some stupid page about ex husbands:

Judith Lynn Braga Day, 40, is not Ralph Painter's niece.

She claims, though, that she's "boinking" someone in law enforcement:

Judy's not "boinking" anyone in law enforcement, unless she's doing it on the side. She's shacking up in an apartment in Oregon City with a taxi driver named Brien, who seems like a nice enough guy, but he's no law enforcement officer.

Judy's twitter is connected to Brien's twitter is connected to Brien's work twitter:

So Brien is a cab driver. No shame in that.  But he's certainly not a law enforcement officer, and probably never will be, because the basic training for law enforcement officers is physically strenuous, and at 46, I don't think that Brien's up to it. (I'll remove Brien's info tomorrow - he really does seem like a decent fellow.)

Judy seems like a law enforcement junkie. You know the type.  She probably has a scanner on her kitchen table just to feel like she's involved and important.  That's probably why she claimed to be Ralph Painter's niece, too.

Judy has two kids, B and A.  Judy's ex husband, the father or her kids, isn't too wild about her, though:

No photos of Judy are available, though I'm not surprised. Obese people usually don't like to share their photos, and instead post stuff like the Smurfs or Tinkerbell or whatever for their profile pics.

This should end the questions of whether or not Judy told the truth when she said she was the niece of Ralph Painter.

(As always, everything I post is available on the public internet and placed there by the people in the articles I write about.  And, as always, I repeat: if you're going to bully people on the internet, you'd better check your internet history first.)

You asked for screenshots, Judy. Here they are.

Here's where you commented on the Columbia County Sheriff's Department page within one minute of them sharing their condolences to Chief Painter's Family:

Here's a cache of your comment, with you using a Ralph Painter funeral procession photo as your profile pic:

And the original photo of Chief Painter's procession from which you made your profile pic:

Oooh look, another comment of yours on a tribute for Ralph Painter:

Yet now you deny saying that Ralph Painter was your uncle, and instead you say that one of the other officers to have fallen in 2011 is your uncle instead of Ralph Painter, as you've claimed since January.  In real life, when you talk bullshit, do people really act like they believe you? Because you're so easy to see through on the internet.


(My condolences to the Painter family, as well as my sincerest apology that some troll named "Judy Day" has attempted to bring your family into her demented Facebook games. If by some chance "Judy Day" really is a family member, I hope that you will get her some help. She is obviously mentally ill.)

Somewhere in Washington, a nice lady named Chana was accused by Tracey Herold of being the Chana in the FB mess.

Another of Tracey Herold's lies.  After I revealed that Chana is SoCal is Tamara Merrill, Tracey went on a mission to convince people that I was wrong, that Chana was a lady living in Washington with a Guinea Pig named Yum Yum. In my opinion, Tracey victimized a very nice lady who has been homeless, who has had a brain injury, and who is benevolent enough to care for small animals.  Certainly doesn't sound like the Chana of FB and Blogspot fame, does it?

Someone contacted the Chana from Washington and informed her that she was being pulled into this mess by Tracey Herold.  The Washington Chana replied as such:

And then she posted this today:

 The Judy Day alt appeared, and commented in the FB thread discussing this:

Just like Tracey, Judy threatens to involve law enforcement. (At least she's no longer claiming to be a federal investigator.) Just like Tracey, she avoids the topic at hand.

For Tracey Herold to involve an innocent woman recuperating from a brain injury, generous enough to give her time to small animals with their own health issues - well, that's pretty deplorable.

How low will you sink, Tracey Herold?  Who will you pull into your tempest next? Why are you so invested in protecting Chana/SoCal/Tamara Merrill? What does Tamara have on YOU?

Tracey Herold and the "Judy Day" saga - sinister any way you look at it.

Tracey Herold has been telling many people that the character named Judy Day killed her abusive husband, so everyone should go easy on Judy.  As a result, people who had been nasty to Judy apologized to Judy, because they believed Tracey that Judy Day was the woman from Oregon who had shot her abusive husband.

Judy Day herself told people that Ralph Painter, the chief of police of Rainier, Washington who had been shot to death, was her uncle.  Her profile photo was of Chief Painter's funeral procession.  Now it's the blue line on a black background that symbolizes a fallen officer.

Why no one checked into either Tracey's story or Judy's story is beyond me.  I know you'll get sick of me saying this, but "Trust NO ONE on the internet."

Simple logic.  Judy Day, who killed her husband, is 66 years old.  Ralph Painter was 55 years old when he fell in the line of duty. Just those two facts should prod someone to look a little deeper into the conflicting tales of Tracey and Judy.

And the fact that the real Judy Day is still in prison - where she has been since 2004, and where she'll sit until 2024, with no possibility of parole.

So here's what it comes down to: either Tracey is lying, or Judy is lying.  Or Tracey is Judy, and she doesn't like to be challenged, either as Tracey or as her alt Judy.  I'm leaning toward the latter, but there is one more explanation.

If Judy Day is just a fake name for Ralph Painter's niece, then the only niece he has who has publicly commented on Chief Painter's death is a 20 year old named Catlyn Painter. She's not his niece, but she married his nephew Joshua Painter in 2009.  It's possible, I suppose.

It may be that Judy Day is just another alt that Tracey Herold adopted to do her dirty work.  As many lies as Tracey has told, it's unrealistic to think that she'll tell the truth about this.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

One more thing, and then adios for the weekend...

What is it with all these "truthy" names? "The Truth Will Save Your Soul."  "You Can't Handle The Truth."  "Truth Teller."

For that clique to have such an obsession with "truth," they have a hard time knowing what it is. I think someone needs to write a ten commandments for internet usage. The first commandment should be "never trust anyone on the internet." The second commandment should be "don't lie on the internet if the truth is out there."

Desperation = Tracey calls in 4chan

This screenshot was given to me yesterday before the Tracey 404'd post on my blog, therefore my 4chan tag and my pokes at her with the new song names by my favorite band The Scam Girls.

I guess Anonymous doesn't like newfags trolling for people to do the dirty work that they can't or won't do. How do you identify someone as a newfag on 4chan? Anyone stupid enough to post his email address, facebook page link, or to ask 4chan to help take down a facebook page is guilty of newfaggotry and is asking for his plot to backfire.

I don't know why Tracey tries so hard to take down that Scam Girl Blog page. I don't even admin it - it's an abandoned page. I admin the Scam Girls band music page - which is going to be much harder for her and her twat brigade to shut down. If Tracey and her few remaining comrades show up at the Scam Girls page, they'll be banned outright. I encourage my readers to join us at the Scam Girls band page.

It's easter weekend - I have obligations beyond admining a facebook page and writing a blog, so I won't be around all day tomorrow or Monday. Email me if you have anything to tell me. I may or may not respond. It's not because I'm an asshole. It's because I know the games that are being played in this whole wretched clusterfuck, and I'm not going to get involved in it. And I don't want to be email bombed by YTMND or ebaum.

In a couple of hours, it'll be easter so from Frank and me, happy easter. I won't update until Monday night or Tuesday, unless something outrageous happens before then.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's bad enough being a nitwit like Tracey Herold, but...


 Marybeth was an anti-food-stamp Nazi in 2009:

A year and 1/2 later, though:

Tracey Herold is such a fucktard that in trying to prove that SoCal is not Chana

Tracey actually proves that SoCal IS Chana.

On her facebook page, she posts a photo album named "Chana isn't Socal, sigh..." and she includes this screenshot:


For comparison:

Thanks, Tracey, for providing another piece to the puzzle.  In your own fucklepuff way,  you tried to help Tamara, but you only assed it up again.  Congrats, whiz kid. You are clearly a genius.

Chana is SoCalDreamer, SoCalRockerChick: Tamara Merrill

After doing a week's worth of writing comparison, I've come to the conclusion that Tamara Merill is Chana.

Merrill, who started out as on-the-fence SoCal, eventually moved into the Terri-is-guilty camp. When she disappeared from Oregon Live, she moved on to GLP, and then, after threads at GLP got shut down, she moved to her own forum(s).

In the process, Merrill had contact with Insintel, aka Marybeth Schaeffer.  Their collaboration continued from Oregon Live to Chana's "Truth will save your soul" (puke at the name) blog.  Somewhere along the way, Chana lost interest in her blog, and basically handed it over to Marybeth, who also apparently lost interest.  I guess Marybeth was too busy posting at Websleuths and keeping up her Heidi Brooks persona to continue working on a blog for which she could take no credit.

In the beginning of my introduction to this whole clusterfuck a couple of weeks ago, I often confused Chana with SoCal, because their writing was so similar.  It took me a week to separate the fact that SoCal and Chana were two different people.  Once I did, I was able to identify SoCal as Tamara Merrill. Then I set my sites on insintel.  And then to Chana.  Once you weed out all of the players, you realize that there really aren't that many, just manipulative people using an array of alts to stimey the readers.

The final character to be revealed is Chana.  It is my opinion that Chana is none other than.... drumroll....

Tamara Merrill.

There isn't much left of Chana's writing to compare to, except for her blog.  The blog, though is more often than not a full-scale rant - a morality soapbox from which Chana (and sometimes Marybeth) insult, bully, and intimidate Cindy Butcher Smalley. (I must say that Cindy has her own problems. The ways she behaved like DeDe Spicher's and Terri Horman's starstruck groupie is repulsive - BUT she did not deserve what was done to her on that blog.)

The first page of Chana's blog is the only page where she's not ranting like a braying mule.  I used her opening post to compare to others' writing styles, choice of words, and so forth.  I was able to exclude many people involved in this thing. The only person I could not exclude was SoCalDreamer.

As I read more and more, it became solidly obvious that, even though Chana tried to disguise her writing, SoCal still shone through. Each observed by itself is no conclusive indication. But all together, I believe it's pretty obvious that Tamara Merill was not only SoCalDreamer and SoCalRockerChick, but also Chana.

Below are a few excerpts:

 "at the end of the day"

 "catch a clue"

"do the right thing by Kyron"

"her cohorts"

"I genuinely"

"schoolmates ... loss of innocence"

"making a mockery"

"to the best of their ability"

 There are many more examples like this out there.  When people try to disguise their writing, they often don't realize that the words and phrases they use can't be disguised.  That is the case with Tamara Merrill.

There are no gotcha email addresses or similar anecdotes to show, because Chana didn't emerge until several months ago, and she was a brand-new creation of Tamara.  She didn't have a history on the internet, because she was new.  But when you look at the words that Tamara chose to use with both SoCal and Chana, the truth emerges that they are figments created by the same author.